So here's the thing: Pontiac is a terrible, erratic place to drive. So even when there's a slow car ahead of me looking to turn left or a lane-drifter constantly dipping into our lane, I'm going to allow a safe distance. And so should you. I know you see the same traffic I do. Your massive gas-guzzling truck is going to kill someone with the three inches of space you leave. Stop acting tough and accept that we're all in the same shitty traffic.
So here's the thing: Pontiac is a terrible, erratic place to drive. So even when there's a slow car ahead of me looking to turn left or a lane-drifter constantly dipping into our lane, I'm going to allow a safe distance. And so should you. I know you see the same traffic I do. Your massive gas-guzzling truck is going to kill someone with the three inches of space you leave. Stop acting tough and accept that we're all in the same shitty traffic.