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MIB3338 04/30/21 5:58 PM

One of the worst drivers I have ever seen. Literally swerved infront of another car to get into the rocky median and go 90mph for about a mile and then speed off going around 110.
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MKH 813 12/01/16 2:22 PM

Swerving and speeding and cut me off. Almost caused an accident
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GA18467 02/03/24 2:36 AM

This truck almost caused a crash and drove erratically
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CTKEN 12/18/23 9:23 AM

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PJ20290 08/11/23 6:21 PM

Racist busy body.
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Worst drivers in October

  1. LBB 8917 (NY)
  2. VIZ0S0 (FL)
  3. RHB 8065 (TX)
  4. NFS 9634 (TX)
  5. 6WDG928 (CA)
  6. 4TEX788 (CA)
  7. MAY448 (FL)
  8. 9FJD965 (CA)
  9. FEJ 9737 (NY)
  10. CL32096 (IL)

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