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SPS 953 06/06/21 10:14 PM

Stops in the middle of the highway
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SAVAS 05/07/19 7:30 AM

Very impatient. Spamming the horn so he could make his left turn, then, later on down the road, he makes U-turn in the Kangaroo gas station. Red 2018 Porsche Macan GTS. He was basically raging because he made a wrong turn. Jerk with a rich car. He does NOT deserve that porsche. Here is an idea of it.
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STJ 068 09/12/18 3:08 PM

Missing driving license
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5277PF 06/29/24 11:49 PM

Engine sounds horrible and goes all fast for no reason😂
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WGH 667 05/07/24 11:29 PM

Papa Johns driver, absolute weirdo , sways on the road, too slow, doesn’t use signals, breaks many of our great nations law
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  6. 4TEX788 (CA)
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  8. 9FJD965 (CA)
  9. FEJ 9737 (NY)
  10. CL32096 (IL)

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