951TWK 11/18/16 11:41 PM

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238TZE 11/14/16 4:47 PM

White pickup from some business I don't recognize. Sped around my neighborhood like a maniac. Almost hit kids on a crosswalk.
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7756 10/23/16 6:03 PM

Silver Audi speeding through busy residential neighborhood (~55-60mph at 25mph zone) in Summerlin. Proceeds to tailgate, honk, swerve into opposite lane to verbally harass car in front. Driver is white male 40-50 with short cropped hair
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2745 09/20/16 10:28 AM

This F150 truck has been sitting at Eldorado and Lindell (no parking zone) for a week now. Maybe broken down or abandoned.
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25E 161 09/19/16 10:41 AM

You suck
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92B 649 09/13/16 6:04 PM

This person hit my car in a parking lot and left without giving information. A witness took a picture of the vehicle and left her phone number and the persons plate number on my window.
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74D 807 09/09/16 5:45 PM

Driving down Buffalo, near Spring Valley HS, this driver nearly sideswiped me & ran me off the road.... Before he turned into said Spring Valley HS. Thanks jackhole.
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603NKR 09/04/16 1:14 AM

Who is he??
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EWING4 08/19/16 1:23 AM

This woman uses someone else handicap plaque and carefully covered up the bottom half so the Id. Could not be seen. Low blow to the truly handicapped
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130AVY 08/24/16 10:10 PM

Hey there Jac Off Owen just wanted to stop by and wish you "luck" in prison. :P Your ass buddy Ricky Dick Adams will join you next year so you don't get *too* lonely. XD
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