7ARJ622 (CA) 07/18/17 9:56 AM

I accelerated while entering 37 to end up ahead of a semi, and this Honda attempted to "regulate" me accelerating by hitting heir blinker and cutting in front of me...

I continued my acceleration, over to lane 1 then back to lane 2 and on my way...

This Honda pushed to catch up to me, and in my rear view mirror took a picture with their cell phone (isn't there a law that says somethin' about this?)

I took 80 West from 37, and proceeded in to the HOV lane... as I came to a stop behind a truck at the metering light, this Honda drove the left shoulder of the on ramp, around traffic, at approximately 40mph...

I look forward to maybe seeing the photo of the back of my car here...
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BSX4724 (AZ) 07/18/17 2:25 PM

Dirt bag with a lack of respect for property.

Around 8:30pm-ish, a friend and I head out to the movies parked far away from everybody else (literally 1/5th of a mile from the theater), with no cars around.

After the movie ended (a little past 11pm), I find this SINGLE lifted Toyota Tacoma (AZ plate BSX4724) parked not only right next to me (with no others around), but not even centered in his lane. They were a party of three (two guys and a girl) and apparently the girl was got into a fight with someone else closer down the lot near the movie theater). According to my friend, they were in the same theater as us earlier.

Before they arrived, I inspected my car for any damage and didn't find any at that moment in time (it was dark and I was fuming at my fears becoming a reality). I got in my car, and saw the three of them approaching their vehicle. The guy gave me a confused and blank look and helped the girl (who was apparently injured) get in, nearly hitting my car again with their door.

I did not want to cause a further scene since clearly they were aggressive and proceeded to drive off.

Fast forward two days later and I'm washing my car, and guess what I notice? A tiny speck of red paint transfer on the my car's impact strip on the door. I laughed it off since it was not as bad as it could have been.

Still, PLEASE respect people's property. When someone is parked far out, don't park right next to them when there's plenty of space everywhere. There were others parked far out yet they left plenty of space between cars. Herding mentality be damned. And don't do it in a lifted f**king truck.

Attached are screen captures of my dash cam footage showing the vehicle in question, the driver, as well as captures earlier in the night (approx. three hours before incident) showing the empty lot.
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NINJA (AR) 07/25/17 3:09 PM

Drives like a cunt.
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5CX 674 (MA) 07/18/17 3:36 PM

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BNG6327 (AZ) 07/18/17 12:30 PM

I watched her get out of the car, look at her parking and walk away. I guess it's ok to park like a dick if you drive an SUV and live in North Scottsdale.
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BHE1682 (AZ) 07/18/17 12:39 PM

Would it surprise you if I told you this guy wasn't handicap and didn't have a handicap tag?
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6W21131 (CA) 07/18/17 12:29 PM

I was trying to merge on to the freeway, and this truck would not let me in. Rather than going off into the shoulder, I pulled into traffic in front of the truck. The driver started flipping me off, and continued dangling his middle finger out of the drivers window. The called me a "b*tch" and a "c*nt". This man should not ne on the road, let alone doing construction at anyone's house with this type of rage.
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(WA) 07/11/17 11:35 AM

Crazy driver road rages and attacks people.

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916 HWB (OR) 07/25/17 9:21 AM

This driver was speeding thru town riding cars asses and then decided to pass me and slam on his brakes from about 50 to 0 in seconds.. reported him to police
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6AC 9065 (MD) 07/18/17 3:34 AM

Lolololol this is Jack's car!!!
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