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AR3A51 09/04/17 1:26 PM

Driver will go under speed limit on Seward hwy. Takes forever to pass anyone in passing lanes so you're stuck behind them in no passing areas. Just an all around ahole that makes everyone miserable behind them.
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TRUMP 08/01/24 6:59 PM

this driver eats lead paint
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KKM 262 05/18/24 3:56 PM

Aggressive asswipe in Post Office…
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GAA 100 10/25/23 9:22 AM

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2102SH 03/15/23 3:04 AM

trailer was parked and got in no accidents! keep up the good work!
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  2. RHB 8065 (TX)
  3. 6ELX898 (CA)
  4. 916 2AU (FL)
  5. 64HM69 (CA)
  6. 8VBS650 (CA)
  7. LSH T64 (FL)
  8. LMN 6623 (PA)
  9. 5NQB473 (CA)

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