I wasn't there, but these are some of the worst drivers on the planet, especially when they're running from the police on the way to some precious gang-banger's vigil.
People like him that dont care about anyone except themselves don’t deserve just a fine, they deserve a life lesson like a court appearance or community service.
seen a video on social media of this driver. he gets out, threatens a man in his vehicle who’s honking, in order to move for a fire truck. which is an emergency vehicle. this man deserves traffic fines and court dates. this is beyond unacceptable and his license needs to be revoked or have points added in order to suspend.
Also, this "oppressed" type of black man commits half of America's murders and robberies (see FBI stats; it's not "racial profiling") and excels at most other crimes, as long as only middling brainpower is required for said crimes.
people like this man need to be off of our roads. he needs to be fined for blocking an emergency vehicle and his license needs to be revoked if it hasn’t been already. POS, endangering people’s lives.
Saw this guy earlier on 75 wish my phone was alive he was weaving all over the road and cut me off into the shoulder just so he could enter then immediately exit an exit only off ramp lane.
This absolute gangsta wannabe decides to pull a tantrum when he is honked to move out of the way for a fire truck to go thru and twice got out of his car to rage like a little bitch. Hope he gets reported for obstruction of emergency services.
Complete asshole. Doesn't move aside for fire truck that's driving primary. Then, after everyone else moved out of the way, uses the free lane himself.
He needs to be taken off the road. He's a danger to society.