Florida license plate FL license plate 92S4

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92S4 08/12/17 2:01 PM

The first thing I noticed was that as I pulled behind this person at the 4 way at the Derry NH Post Office was the smell of burning oil pouring out of the exhaust system of a old shitbox black audi sedan and as this asshole turned on to RTE 28N they tail gated EVERY VEHICLE in front of them for miles!! Getting and staying just feet away from whom ever was in front of them and weaving back forth like a mental patient, so I suggest to you reading this to stay far away from this buttplug..The plate was 92S-4 and it was an black and white Army plate. Hey who ever you are ya license should be pulled from you for some time till you figure out how not to almost cause rear end accidents constantly and get some mental help..THIS ISNT THE ARMY FUCKWAD.You are very lucky I didn't have my phone with me I WOULD HAVE CALLED THE POLICE ON YOU BIGTIME.. You are a risk to others lives
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