If a driver pulls out suddenly in front of a vehicle that is driving at the speed limit and does not merge in order to avoid a collision, the fault is NOT the driver's already travelling on the road legally.
How is it when someone turns directly in front of you with no warning while you're traveling at a speed where you can barely stop your fault? Do you slow down at every side street that has a vehicle stopped waiting to turn into your same direction? Idiot. You always yield to traffic perpendicular to your position before engaging a right or left turn. Spotted another future terrible driver just there watch out folks!
I see how you picture this based on my description of the event. Allow me to clarify: I was heading southbound, while the dumb mf was perpendicular to my heading, facing eastbound. Then this person made a right turn, directly in front of me (now heading southbound as I was; (inches in front of me before I hit the brakes and veer off), without looking north to see if there was oncoming traffic. Whatever we're "taught" as you say, does not include what mistake your fellow man will intentionally make to endanger or ruin your life. So fuck this person.
586816driver buy tooo big car dangerus02/16/16 5:49 PM
Your car way too big for you, you cannot see or drive right in the snow, you kill people you almost hit my family please you do not learn how to drive safely in naperville, please, this is very very very bad driver, to dangerous to drive this careless you kill family of people
This dumb mf is waiting to turn right, it's inclement weather based on the photo you'll see. This idiot decides to make his turn while I'm approximately 3 car lengths away doing about forty, so with no room to do anything but slam into the rear of the vehicle, I pull over onto the shoulder where all the salt and toss debris is. Watch where you're going you could kill someone. Had my girlfriend been riding shotgun and you frightened her life, I would have followed you down the road you turned off to hide pulled you out of the car and kicked you repeatedly in the face, but since I already got snow on my kicks I didn't want your face blood on them too. Do it again to me though we seem to take the same route, you see what happens next time
When ever two vehicles are involved in an accident where one vehicle rear ends another, the vehicle that hits the other vehicle (in the rear) is always at fault. Sounds like you did not leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you, make you at fault, not him.
Sounds like you're at fault here. We're taught to keep distance behind cars, and how you described it you were way to close to him. Keep distance next time.
If a driver pulls out suddenly in front of a vehicle that is driving at the speed limit and does not merge in order to avoid a collision, the fault is NOT the driver's already travelling on the road legally.