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AE70538 09/16/24 10:41 PM

Almost hit me after merging,
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V84 3077 08/28/24 6:58 AM

Careful and kind driver
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1702216 08/19/24 11:21 PM

Bro tailgated me while I was going 10 over, almost ran me off the road, then used the turning lane to pass a slower driver
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BE70138 07/26/24 7:07 PM

Glad he got arrested
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477BMMR 07/19/24 1:33 AM

Bro parked on someone's lawn while parking
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  1. NFS 9634 (TX)
  2. RHB 8065 (TX)
  3. 916 2AU (FL)
  4. 64HM69 (CA)
  5. 8VBS650 (CA)
  6. LSH T64 (FL)
  7. LMN 6623 (PA)
  8. 5NQB473 (CA)

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