This driver was on 40 today tailgating cars and flashing her lights to get cars out of her lane. I saw her flash a dozen cars to move out of her way. This is dangerous as it is jarring for drivers to be flashed by the car behind them. She systematically drove up on the car in front of her, flashed them and moved on to her next victim. Rather than maneuvering around cars she insisted they get out of her way! She'll cause an accident before long. I should mention that traffic was heavy and everyone was going around 80.
This driver was on 40 today tailgating cars and flashing her lights to get cars out of her lane. I saw her flash a dozen cars to move out of her way. This is dangerous as it is jarring for drivers to be flashed by the car behind them. She systematically drove up on the car in front of her, flashed them and moved on to her next victim. Rather than maneuvering around cars she insisted they get out of her way! She'll cause an accident before long. I should mention that traffic was heavy and everyone was going around 80.