Tailgated me for about 3-4 miles while I was going at least the speed limit down 113. Passed me my using a right turn only lane near the CVS at 113 and 313 and then cut me off into my lane last second. Then this older woman (I think) just continued along the road going as fast as I had been before. Endangering both of us wasn't really worth it if you are just going to continue at a normal speed.
Tailgated me for about 3-4 miles while I was going at least the speed limit down 113. Passed me my using a right turn only lane near the CVS at 113 and 313 and then cut me off into my lane last second. Then this older woman (I think) just continued along the road going as fast as I had been before. Endangering both of us wasn't really worth it if you are just going to continue at a normal speed.