This guy (maybe girl? Looked like it could be either..) was trying to drive on the side of the freeway to cut everyone during traffic. I ended up moving my car in front so he/she couldn't go further. He/she got pissed and rammed his/her car into mine. The damage on the bottom left of the car in this picture is the damage they did to their car. I only got a small scratch though haha. They threw yo gang signs or something. Couldn't tell. I speak English not sigh language.
This guy (maybe girl? Looked like it could be either..) was trying to drive on the side of the freeway to cut everyone during traffic. I ended up moving my car in front so he/she couldn't go further. He/she got pissed and rammed his/her car into mine. The damage on the bottom left of the car in this picture is the damage they did to their car. I only got a small scratch though haha. They threw yo gang signs or something. Couldn't tell. I speak English not sigh language.