This driver was in a black Lincoln Navigator driving 80 - 85 mph on US287 north bound in Mansfield at 4:20 pm August 19, 2018. He was weaving in and out of traffic with no regard for proximity of other drivers. He shoehorned in between me and a small pickup in front of me even though my lights were on and I was standing on the horn. He is dangerous and should have his license revoked.
This driver was in a black Lincoln Navigator driving 80 - 85 mph on US287 north bound in Mansfield at 4:20 pm August 19, 2018. He was weaving in and out of traffic with no regard for proximity of other drivers. He shoehorned in between me and a small pickup in front of me even though my lights were on and I was standing on the horn. He is dangerous and should have his license revoked.