Yep, not just a bad driver, a bad person aka a-hole. Tried to cut off the driver with the dash cam, almost hit him then has no regard for another human and has no regard for rules of the road or human decency. Wish this guy had done this to me. Now with his plate number we know where he lives and what he looks like from the video.
And to Ted, why the hell would you ask such a moronic question? If I have to answer that for you, you should just kill yourself and end the gene pool with you. Also you should work on your grammar or go back to 6th grade.
Ted, maybe he didn't "back it up" because he's a grown fucking man and not a knuckle dragging inmate. Horns are there to alert fuckos who clearly aren't paying attention so they don't crash into you. They are not there to challenge monkeys to chest beating contests.
Yep, not just a bad driver, a bad person aka a-hole. Tried to cut off the driver with the dash cam, almost hit him then has no regard for another human and has no regard for rules of the road or human decency. Wish this guy had done this to me. Now with his plate number we know where he lives and what he looks like from the video.
And to Ted, why the hell would you ask such a moronic question? If I have to answer that for you, you should just kill yourself and end the gene pool with you. Also you should work on your grammar or go back to 6th grade.