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U18 9EG 01/17/24 6:07 AM

B got no dick
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U30 0VL 09/15/23 6:15 AM

Doesn't understand a single road roundabout, Used a right-turn-only lane to sneak through the tiny roundabout which scared a woman in a GMC Envoy almost causing a sideswipe and the Edge driver gave the good o'l bird flip thinking the woman with two kids was in the wrong. Cranky old gentleman
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U26 9FP 04/29/23 6:56 AM

Terrible tesla driver who cut me off and proceeded to flip me off when I honked.
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U22 7XV 08/29/22 5:04 AM

Hey, you fucking ass hole. Funny you think you can bully people on the road with your basic ass truck. Fuck-tard
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U10 4FP 05/14/22 8:17 PM

its the stradman on youtube
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  6. 4TEX788 (CA)
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  9. FEJ 9737 (NY)
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