The driver of this car was sitting in his car in the parking lot where I train at 4:30am. He was still there just after 5am when I finished, but he was taking pictures out the car window with a 35mm. PI?
This driver was traveling 40 MPH over the 40 MPH speed limit and was fast approaching my tail gate. She was inches from my bumper! I lightly touched my brakes to get her off my tail, then she pulled around me to get in front and she slammed on her brakes! she was out of control, traveling 50 MPH in a 30 with children and schools near by!
Get out of the fast lane dummy. It's not your personal transit lane. And btw, driving behind you, your little girlie-pimple-popper 1-series stinks. Exhaust is nasty boy.
This driver terrorizes our neighborhood with his sterioid Corvette. Gonna kill someone in time.