This bozo kid pulled out across two lanes of traffics after failing to yield. He missed me by 6 inches and the car next to me by less as the young lady hit her brakes and not only avoided being hit by this bozo kid but also was nearly hit by the car behind her. Must be daddy's green Ford Explorer.
According to a Facebook post from Lakewood Dallas, this car was deliberately parked blocking a residential driveway and the driver threatened the property owner. I've attached the picture. I cannot independently verify the story. I'm just passing it on.
Driver ran stop sign at mall, was 5 feet past it when saw me about to run into him and slammed on brakes. (I was going 20 mph but couldn't move to left lane bc it was merging with mine.). When I pointed to stop sign he gave me the hands up "what?" gesture like I was crazy. Stopping at a sign means stopping at a sign, and not rolling through it and realizing as you do so that someone is coming. I had a door replacement for someone doing the same thing last year. Houston needs more traffic cops and people who understands signs are the law, not suggestions, or there only if they see someone coming.
White BMW Sedan. Cute driver (female)!