Lanes were merging and I was where I should be and if he hadn't been a jerk that obviously thought he'd block me from merging. I wasn't being pushy and it was where I should have been but he made a point to get as close as possible to the car in front of him to keep me out. Someone obviously is a little boy with issues. Black Ford F-150 lic#DZS-8539
The crazy driver of this car swerved across three lanes and nearly broadsided my car just so that he could cut me off, lock up his brakes, and turn into the Starbucks parking lot this morning. Miraculously, I was able to narrowly avoid colliding with him by locking up my brakes when he nearly hit me from the side and then again when he stopped in front of me to turn into the parking lot. How did he obtain a driver's license? He shouldn't be on the road.
This person drives way to slow and is always on the phone