UMG 6856 10/30/24 10:23 PM

dangerous driver, lack of awareness for basic road safety
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TGT 2577 10/28/24 10:25 PM

Hey, get out of the left lane, Mr. Oblivious. you're blocking everyone on the left lane and causing traffic without a clue in the world.
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JG8237 10/28/24 4:46 AM

Bad driver
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WZE 3318 10/22/24 8:14 PM

Driving so slowly! 10mph on a single lane when the speed limit is much higher. Writing this review was faster than sitting behind you in traffic!
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UBX 6478 10/22/24 8:12 PM

Bros making illegal turns like it's another day, yikes. Dangerous driver
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TYC 2633 10/15/24 2:56 AM
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USZ 2886 10/10/24 9:01 PM

This POS driver has his highbeams on permanently while tailgating. Liability on the road, will probably get someone killed on the road one day. Please get off the roads for everyone else's safety.
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12887U 09/28/24 8:09 PM

Insurance Scammer!!

Woman driving a dark blue Toyota Avalon backing into a parking spot hit a parking pillar at McDonalds then almost hit me when pulling out. She then started taking pictures of my vehicle and telling people at McDonalds that I hit her car.
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TLS 1259 09/23/24 7:54 PM

Truck and trailer parked on sidewalk at Grove Ave. and Nansemond St. Richmond, VA
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XJW 8150 09/14/24 10:52 PM

Horrible driver, brakes for no reason in the middle of the road, a liability on the road. Future accident causer
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  2. NFS 9634 (TX)
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