GPV 7209 04/05/17 7:48 AM

Cut in front of me to make a left turn at a red light into an intersection full of traffic.
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GKY 1160 04/04/17 12:00 PM

4/4/2017, 08:25 am, Madison Ave., N.Y.C.
white Ford Van
This is a nice and gentle driver in heavy traffic
He's insurance should get 25% off
: )
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GVG 5790 03/27/17 9:31 PM

Extreme cutoff. Rude driving.
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HEJ 9718 04/03/17 2:26 PM

I was waiting to make a left turn out of a parking lot but traffic was backed up so I couldn't go yet and this dbag starts honking at me like a lunat
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GMZ 2747 04/03/17 7:59 AM

Saw you on Atlantic Avenue (Brooklyn) and you were eating a meal with a fork while driving! That's not safe!
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DEBASER 04/01/17 6:07 AM

Slicing up eyeballs, ah ha ha ho!
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GAW 5427 03/31/17 5:12 PM

He is a theif who stole my heart. ♡♡♡
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HCC 4000 03/31/17 3:07 PM

Old man cut me off in gray tesla
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FLW 7597 03/31/17 9:36 AM

this car (White Hyundai Sonata) New York State License plate number FLW 7597 block my entire drive way at Crocheron Avenue and 171 Street, Is any one know this car?
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FFN 4660 03/31/17 8:38 AM

Buddy blew a stop sign on university grounds, cutting me off and almost running a pedestrian over.
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