VLC 8220 05/22/19 9:19 AM

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VEW 7272 05/22/19 9:18 AM

Fucking asshole
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VZJ 8008 05/14/19 4:00 PM

Please look before pulling out in front of people and for the love of God, man, learn to use your flipping TURN SIGNALS!!!!!
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VGB 1256 05/06/19 10:23 AM

I remember in December of 2017 that this guy was driving all around the road (I assumed that this guy was drunk) like a maniac. I was with my family at the time, coming back from Newport News. This happened near the James River bridge when leaving Newport News. I was pretty worried that something or someone was gonna get hurt. Thankfully, nothing too major happened. To this day, I can still remember the license plate by heart.
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VEU 2856 05/02/19 8:47 AM

Failure to yield. Almost fucking hit me.
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VSN 2190 04/19/19 2:52 PM

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VPA 6558 04/07/19 12:00 AM

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VBZ 5725 04/03/19 3:54 PM

At the Amerigo off of Franconia. A lady was waiting to back in to get gas and VBZ 5725 (white Mercedes SUV) came storming in to the station and stole the pump before the person could back up. When she got out of the car she was clearly intoxicated and when confronted she ignored the other driver and stumbled into the station to pay for $20 of gas. Upon leaving she yelled incoherent things at the driver whose pump she stole. I tried to call the police non-emergency line and kept getting put on hold. In hindsight, I should have called 911.
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VFS 5848 03/22/19 2:20 PM

parking in visitor spots every day instead of using general parking as all other employees
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VBU 7936 03/22/19 1:58 PM

continuously parking in a fire lane
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