Both of the people pictured here are idiots based on their driving behavior. The white male driver of the white Ford Transit van is of particular note. I believe he may be evil. I've never seen somebody driving such a large vehicle in the reckless manner that this male did. Late 40's, early 50's. Wearing dark glasses. Side and rear windows dark-tinted. Likely 5'10" with a medium tone or salt and pepper hair and Anglo-light skin. Likely works/ resides in the Carpinteria horticulture business area that is populated by the orchid business, flowers, etc. along Highway 192. I sensed a rage and an utter disregard for human life other than his own and an arrogance I haven't seen in a very long time. Be careful if you spot this individual.
#ventura #california #socal #carpinteria #highway #speeder #reckless #white #evil #ford #transit