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C148455 03/05/24 5:54 AM

This guy should not be a police officer

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C128329 02/20/23 6:39 PM

Blue Dodge Ram made a lane change without using their turn signal.
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CO 55769 07/30/16 2:02 PM

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701XUY 05/14/24 12:26 AM

Car: Silver Buick.
I find this driver rude and impatient. They honked at me, and crossed the double yellow lines to pass me. I was going to take a turn in just 500 ft.
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4AUJM9 05/03/24 9:14 PM

OMG LIKE GIRL DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE I was with my hubby and she break checked me while going 80 MPH yeah 80. Then she came out and stuck the middle finger at me like girl who you think you are
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  6. KIC 1164 (OH)
  7. KVE 3407 (NY)
  8. KGX 9811 (NY)
  9. MFM 4871 (PA)
  10. AXB9147 (CO)

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