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MR7 D3N 03/27/20 8:29 AM

This woman tried to overtake with oncoming traffic.

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MRELI 03/10/20 8:22 PM


Saw this guy on the road and he was super nice and polite when driving. He is an amazing driver
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ME9 K6Y 06/07/16 5:33 PM

I had my blinker on trying to get over and he stayed right by my side not letting me over even when I slowed down/sped up.... Then he failed to stop at a stop sign.... Horrible driver!!
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JJ6 G1P 04/22/24 7:07 AM

Me go fast
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GH0 J6J 11/03/23 3:42 PM

Angry woman blaring her horn at a cyclist.

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