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NYC 6688 06/15/21 7:00 PM

Driver has a lead foot. Especially on urban roads with 25-30 mph speed limits. Seems to be in a rush to get to the nearest red light.
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LBB 8917 10/21/24 6:06 AM

Bro tried to commit insurance fraud but was caught on dashcam
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KJH 3340 10/20/24 9:20 PM

Very bad driver, speeding and eractic lane changes, nearly hit him as he came into my lane, slamming on his brake to a complete stop on the highway.
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QCT 3763 10/20/24 3:16 AM

Bros driving around in a black and white Ford Explorer with no decals on thinking he owns the fast lane on the highway its not even funny
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DHH 8025 10/16/24 4:29 AM

Saw him near tops nice guy
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Worst drivers in October

  1. LBB 8917 (NY)
  2. VIZ0S0 (FL)
  3. RHB 8065 (TX)
  4. NFS 9634 (TX)
  5. 6WDG928 (CA)
  6. 4TEX788 (CA)
  7. MAY448 (FL)
  8. 9FJD965 (CA)
  9. FEJ 9737 (NY)
  10. CL32096 (IL)

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