Be careful around this guy, he will jump out his car to yell and punch your vehicle if he thinks you cut him off. I literally did not cut him off, I was going around cars slowly from the right since I was in the middle of the intersection and didn't want to block it when the light started to turn red. Then I put my turn signal on while merging left back into the lane safely after. Apparently, this guy did not know my situation. No one was hurt nor there was car damage. I could of filed for disorderly conduct and he could of been fined according to my DASHCAM.
Be careful around this guy, he will jump out his car to yell and punch your vehicle if he thinks you cut him off. I literally did not cut him off, I was going around cars slowly from the right since I was in the middle of the intersection and didn't want to block it when the light started to turn red. Then I put my turn signal on while merging left back into the lane safely after. Apparently, this guy did not know my situation. No one was hurt nor there was car damage. I could of filed for disorderly conduct and he could of been fined according to my DASHCAM.