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T13 90R 05/18/16 1:42 PM

This car constantly exceeds the speed limit in Franklin
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T69 19N 04/26/16 2:49 PM

This lady cut me off in traffic...putting your blinker on WHILE you are butting in a lane that barely has a half a car length between vehicles doesn't constitute "but I used my blinker"
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T70 31R 03/17/16 4:56 PM

Ran a stop sign that included a large "Cross Street Does Not Stop" sign. Oblivious.
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T13 90R 06/10/16 3:26 PM

This guy is an asshole
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567BKGS 09/21/24 3:48 AM

Sped to turn in front of me and nearly hit me. Went below the speed limit the entire time, guess they were mad they got honked at after nearly hitting me??
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