To the poster,
This isn’t me but I do have a State law that applies in this situation.
Have you ever heard of RCW 46.61.100 it KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT WHEN PASSING
If you were to stay in the Right lane then you will not get tailgate and the driver of WA-ADZ9261 would meet a member of law enforcement, who will give this driver a written invitation to pay a $100 + fine.
ADZ9261Satan drives a silver saturn12/04/18 7:52 PM
This person is has no regard for any other human. Consistently tailgates, even if you move over in the right lane, he will get behind you if the left lane isn’t moving for him, to tailgate you again. Weaves in and out of traffic without signal and always 15 MPH above the speed limit. I have unfortunately encountered 4 incidents with this scum bag. We leave around the same time for work, and today, I find out we work together. I’m writing this so I can’t print it out and place it on his car as a warning. So, slow down, back off, use your signals and leave your house earlier!!!!
To the poster,
This isn’t me but I do have a State law that applies in this situation.
Have you ever heard of RCW 46.61.100 it KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT WHEN PASSING
If you were to stay in the Right lane then you will not get tailgate and the driver of WA-ADZ9261 would meet a member of law enforcement, who will give this driver a written invitation to pay a $100 + fine.