Every day on my way to work I see the same car. And every day he is speeding, riding people rear, cuts people off and when cars don't get out of his way he gets all road raged and I have even seen him swerve multiple times into people who had to swerve to avoid him. I literally feel unsafe driving near him. And today he was riding my ass and cut me off.
This driver's poor behavior caused me to discover this interesting site! I observed this female driver with 2 children in the back seat, proceed to scold another female driver in a parking lot that accidentally turned down the wrong way of a one directional parking lane (angled parking). She dangerously blocked the car off from making it's way to the corect direction lane, scolded the other driver, and forced her to attempt an even more dangerous reverse/back to where she came from in the very busy parking lot.
But that's not all, after this arrogant, rude and dangerous act, she continued along in the parking lot until she saw someone she knew, then STOPPED in the middle of a crosswalk to have an extended (3-5 minutes) conversation with her friend, in the middle of a busy parking lot, with several pedestrians forced to dangerously walk around her car!
cannot park to save their life