Drove up the alley aside of my house at 4:30 am on Feb. 14th 2020 and was taking pictures of my car from inside their car. Captured on my security cameras. Very strange. People don't realize these days there are cameras everywhere.
Just had a run in with her on Rt 30 in Chester county. Started coming into our lane and my wife beeped the horn. The lady then flips the bird and started acting crazy. We got off at the same exit (reeceville) and she starts recording us with her cell phone smiling and acting weird. ( All of this while we have our 18 month old in the car).
This guy rear ended me on the frontage road of 1-35 in the Austin, Texas area. He motioned for me to pull over them he took off. Fortunately another driver took a picture. This person needs his license taken away. Then jail time.
Maintained 20mph in a 40mph zone... even right through a 3-way stop!