Black female driver litters while driving dui kills dog walking street on lease. Tinted windows, maxima from Conicelli dealership. The dog was taken to a near by vet where it passed away.
Saw this truck on the road today and it had chinese drawings on it, I don't know if that's street legal but there was loud music playing from the inside saying something like, "I hate my fans. i'll never drop eternal a cake." I don't know of that's the exact words but i heard something like thag
Driving under the influence of marijuana, we saw his marijuana cigarette and smelled like it . Making racial comments towards me and my kids and my nephew. Making threats to my family
Black female driver litters while driving dui kills dog walking street on lease. Tinted windows, maxima from Conicelli dealership. The dog was taken to a near by vet where it passed away.