this plate is currently on a brand new BMW. The person parks it some distance away, and then claims to be a homeless Veteran collecting money. Typically out of the general Butler PA area
Strange mofo, slams on brakes randomly. Likes to exit highway at last possible second. Paranoid and drives like a maniac if you appear to be following him.
KWJ 3218Mr. Important in the Mercedes06/14/19 6:54 AM
Everyday witness this young kid in his old Mercedes driving like a jerk. Uses the same road during the week but since he owns a Mercedes he feels he can do what he wants. Tailgates, passes illegally, speeds constantly. All to get himself about 2-3 cars ahead of where he was. Bravo sir and thank you for endangering everyone’s life constantly during rush hour commutes
What an ass! Passes me in the exit lane at 75mph as I’m in the traveling lane only to get stuck in front of me for 15 minutes in traffic. Yeah, you win buddy,...for being an ass!
this plate is currently on a brand new BMW. The person parks it some distance away, and then claims to be a homeless Veteran collecting money. Typically out of the general Butler PA area