JFK 4371 02/01/22 8:41 PM

Saw him this morning in Mesquite hauling ass.
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HHF 0171 01/25/22 6:30 AM

Stay the fuck off the road, you absolute cancer to society.
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DPF 9122 01/31/22 3:45 PM

You are one sick person you disgust me
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PKJ 3709 01/24/22 12:55 PM

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DS5M990 01/30/22 11:15 PM

Spoiled chinese kid thinks he can drive anywhere he wants ...
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LVM 2605 01/27/22 6:53 PM

Impatient road raging douche using the middle lane to pass on the low roads. Hope they get pulled over here soon
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GMS 7214 01/26/22 3:54 PM

black F1 50 with a girl driver who keeps tailgating everybody. Driving aggressive. Use this for proof if she hits you.
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MVK 9230 01/19/22 4:12 AM

A big no-no lady didn't follow the speed limit 20miles/hour in the school time and school zone. Another illegal part is with only one plate on the rear. Shame on this person driving high end BENZ but with bad habit.
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KORY1 01/23/22 7:48 PM

Was speeding around dense traffic, almost cr as she'd multiple times, almost caused several people to crash to avoid hitting him.
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NZH 3531 01/22/22 2:09 AM

The guy who trained Obi-Wan Kenobi, Batman, lead the A-Team, rescued his wife and daughter on multiple occasions.
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