Pursuit of Grey Jeep with Lamar County Police, down 271 North into Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Suspect last seen on 109 East CR 4260. Suspects is believed to a Black male and white female. A report was made that the suspects went to a Oklahoma residence off 109 and informed the resident that they was running from the law, and needed help. The resident informed them to leave. Suspects left. Officers are in searching for suspect.
This asshole parked in a handicap parking spot. My wife needed it to get into the Bank. I politely knocked on his window and he yelled at me. "How dare you knock on my window!" I told him he is parking in a handicap spot and would like him to move. He ignored me and rolled up the window and continued chatting on his phone. Is of middle Eastern discent.
Driving right up my behind for no reason, he drove passed, i flipped him off - he pulls in front of me gets out and records video, then follows me and tries to get me to pull over - i sped off to avoid confrontation
This guy (maybe girl? Looked like it could be either..) was trying to drive on the side of the freeway to cut everyone during traffic. I ended up moving my car in front so he/she couldn't go further. He/she got pissed and rammed his/her car into mine. The damage on the bottom left of the car in this picture is the damage they did to their car. I only got a small scratch though haha. They threw yo gang signs or something. Couldn't tell. I speak English not sigh language.
Crazy guy. Must be on drugs. He didn't go at a green light so I honked and passed him. He then followed me, stopped his car in two lanes, and got out of his car to threaten me. He threw stuff at my car. I had to take a different way home but luckily for me, it ended up getting me home 20 minutes faster :)
What is the deal with this guy, comes to my state swerving all over the 163 south, not signalling. Stay off our roads!