Rear ended me. Asked if I was okay, I said I was in a lot of pain while crying, exchanged info then left without another word. I called 911 after because my neck hurt to move, and I never got into an accident before so didn't know what to expect from the other person.
Drives to fast almost ran into the back of my vehicle, Then came around to my right side and through a bottle at my truck a sped off.
I called the cops but they never show up.
Ran us off the road and kept going. Two lane left turn. She was on inside lane drifted out and ran is off road. Refused to appologiZe and was quite put out I asked for one.
Passenger Physically Assaulted My Vehicle and reached out and hit my mirror with his hand during a merge - as they were merging in the wrong direction on Highway I-35 with a White SUV
Este hombre tiene un comportamiento sospechoso y estaba tomando a niƱos en un restaurante de El paso, TX cuidado, al ser enfrentado se puso muy agresivo.
Rear ended me. Asked if I was okay, I said I was in a lot of pain while crying, exchanged info then left without another word. I called 911 after because my neck hurt to move, and I never got into an accident before so didn't know what to expect from the other person.