Lady got mad because I passed her in the left lane merging onto the highway. Then proceeded to swerve inches In front of me and slams on her brakes, also blocked me from trying to pass and kept hitting her brakes to slow me down. This was after I had hit 50-60 MPH and the wreck she almost caused would have been very bad for both of us.
This guy parked in the middle of the road at a college apartment and then proceeded to follow me and step on his breaks right in front of me. He then stepped on the gas once I got out to see what the problem was. He then came back and proceeded to go in the direction where I first encountered him. Obviously he was just pissed and decided to follow me because I gestured at him for obstructing traffic.
30 some year old lady tried to get on my lane when I was on her blind stop. After honking my horn so she would know that I was there she still cut me off very rudley. After cutting me off, she hit her breaks out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever and stoped the car completly in the middle of the freeway!!!! Once I got next to her car she was laughing her ass off, literally!
Silver Dodge Charger? parked in front of neighbor's house in Tulsa, lights on, at least 3 in car. I went around the block, still there. The car moved down to the next house. I turned left and came back and reversed in my driveway after a minute they left.
Lady got mad because I passed her in the left lane merging onto the highway. Then proceeded to swerve inches In front of me and slams on her brakes, also blocked me from trying to pass and kept hitting her brakes to slow me down. This was after I had hit 50-60 MPH and the wreck she almost caused would have been very bad for both of us.