This driver in a large white vehicle in Denver merges without signalling or checking their blind spot. They almost ran me into the highway median - so I had to slam on my brakes - which led to the guy behind me getting inches from my bumper. I don't even know what kind of traffic mess that caused down the road.
Yo - QVM 602 - Check your mirror placement because you can't see other cars worth crap - and learn how to signal. You're probably causing accidents you don't even know about.
This driver in a large white vehicle in Denver merges without signalling or checking their blind spot. They almost ran me into the highway median - so I had to slam on my brakes - which led to the guy behind me getting inches from my bumper. I don't even know what kind of traffic mess that caused down the road.
Yo - QVM 602 - Check your mirror placement because you can't see other cars worth crap - and learn how to signal. You're probably causing accidents you don't even know about.