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FS731B 11/22/23 4:34 AM

Stupid ass b, jumped everyone in line like a little p boy. Yo mama raised a bih boi.
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FFU754 03/20/23 1:55 PM

This guy is an angry aggressive driver and uses his ugly red Porsche Cayenne as a deadly weapon. I didn't get out of his way fast enough and he proceeded to relentlessly brake check me on I 75 with my daughter in the car. I was not engaging with him but he continued to brake check me and almost forced me off the road. He was even signaling for me to pull off the road. Absolute and complete psycho.
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916 2AU 10/05/24 8:39 PM

Hit & run
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LSH T64 09/25/24 9:31 PM

This fat fuck weakling has anger issues and nothing to back it up. Watch out for women and children around this sack of shit. Big fat pussy right here.
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IRS L76 09/11/24 11:03 AM

This woman is crazy and should not own a gun
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