This person almost killed me and my unborn child, yesterday. I was in front of them and was yielding to oncoming traffic (turning right on red) and the person behind me was honking at me to go, even though they couldn't see that it wasn't clear. When I was able to turn, the person sped up beside me to pass me and drove me over into the next lane. I narrowly avoided being side swiped. Unbelievable road rage. Stay away from this car on the road.
This person almost killed me and my unborn child, yesterday. I was in front of them and was yielding to oncoming traffic (turning right on red) and the person behind me was honking at me to go, even though they couldn't see that it wasn't clear. When I was able to turn, the person sped up beside me to pass me and drove me over into the next lane. I narrowly avoided being side swiped. Unbelievable road rage. Stay away from this car on the road.