Forgery documents into the United states, illegal entry into the state, from kinshasha congo,. Jan 24 1960,. Black, male, skinny looking 58 years,. Used different social securities to obtain employment and brags he is a citizen, he said e-verify cant get him,..brag of being a citizen after alot fraudulent documents. Goes to 720 e sixth street apt 202 lexington ky to use his victim called donetta wilson for benefit fraud and marriage fraud she is with a black guy introduced by Peter to help him for his fraudulent act and manipulative acts. Peter is dangerous and armed with knifes and some spiritual things, has Dui,. And leaves within Georgetown ky and lexington ky, red mile road, gays place street new circle road, Beulah park lexington ky, and his other illegal people's and who he helps work in webasto, westrock, and Toyota kentucky companies. He came to my neighbourhood bragging to shot a family man and runing away with his first kid. Brekenridge 6th street safety watch.
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