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942 TAY 05/19/24 11:57 PM

She deserved the parking space. No one was parked there!
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942 TAY 12/11/23 4:40 PM

The lady still has the car!
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960513 10/10/23 3:10 PM

Redneck blocking an entire lane in morning traffic requiring everyone to go around him in a turning lane. As everyone goes by he just holds his hand out the window flipping everyone off.
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081 TMC 07/01/23 6:19 PM

Smells like insurance fraud
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FRDCHKN 11/16/22 1:23 AM

Got knocked out after making an illegal right on red turn causing him to run into a KFC, he then jumped out of his car and ran away but was later caught by police. Happened in bowling green.
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