How on earth can I be first to post about this woman!? CFF 5570 female driver white explorer with rear bumper sticker in Spanish. Has only one brake light and TAPS IT CONSTANTLY! Turns out she is applying makeup while driving north on the 635 Express lanes! TAP , TAP , TAP… OMG woman! Thought I would help you out by turning my bright son, hope it helped apply your make up you idiot.
Finally another car (white Altima) got in front of me and behind her when the Express lanes opened up to more traffic. Now the white Altima is showing frustration with the white explorer!
Once the Express lanes finally opened up, she moved over to the right, the white Altima FLEW past her, as did the new Toyota truck in front of me… when I passed, SHE PULLED INTO MY LANE PUSHING ME ONTO THE SHOULDER!!!!!!
I tell you what, you’re lucky you didn’t hear what I yelled out my window once I was able to pass you… you were looking straight ahead which to me says you KNOW YOU ARE AT FAULT!
KEEP IT UP WOMAN, karma will get you… or perhaps, since you’re driving that old broken Explorer, it already has.. sounds great mind you.
Great read! Sounds like she's one of those oblivious drivers!