Pursuit of Grey Jeep with Lamar County Police, down 271 North into Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Suspect last seen on 109 East CR 4260. Suspects is believed to a Black male and white female. A report was made that the suspects went to a Oklahoma residence off 109 and informed the resident that they was running from the law, and needed help. The resident informed them to leave. Suspects left. Officers are in searching for suspect.
Pursuit of Grey Jeep with Lamar County Police, down 271 North into Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Suspect last seen on 109 East CR 4260. Suspects is believed to a Black male and white female. A report was made that the suspects went to a Oklahoma residence off 109 and informed the resident that they was running from the law, and needed help. The resident informed them to leave. Suspects left. Officers are in searching for suspect.