This driver first started by tailgating while we were passing a big-rig. When another car slowed down ahead of us, of course we put on the brakes to also slow down. Apparently this driver took offense, because they then sped ahead of us, got right in front of us and then stomped on their brakes. No matter how we tried to get out of the way they kept right in front of us, I guess trying to get us to hit their rear end or to run us off the road. This went on for a couple of miles and only stopped when we started taking pictures of the back of their car.
This driver first started by tailgating while we were passing a big-rig. When another car slowed down ahead of us, of course we put on the brakes to also slow down. Apparently this driver took offense, because they then sped ahead of us, got right in front of us and then stomped on their brakes. No matter how we tried to get out of the way they kept right in front of us, I guess trying to get us to hit their rear end or to run us off the road. This went on for a couple of miles and only stopped when we started taking pictures of the back of their car.