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H4XOR 01/01/24 6:00 PM

Based as f*ck. +Rep
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2RCH4U 12/25/23 7:12 PM

2004 BMW 6 Series Convertible Black (London Tipton Mr Moseby)
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PV7996 11/03/23 11:36 AM

I see this d-bag every morning on HWY F in Waukesha around 5:25AM. It's a retired police Explorer. He tries to intimidate people by riding their ass, weaving in traffic and speeding. This morning I seen his LF. Smashed up. Karma finally struck him.
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ABA4474 10/17/23 12:37 PM

This dipshit tailgates, speeds and weaves in an out of lanes even though morning traffic is light and flowing. Doesn't seem to be in a hurry, just an ahole.
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MORELZ 10/03/23 6:41 PM

Lesbian Karen LMAO
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