Aggressive driver 530 am going to work this driver pulls out in front of me then proceeds to drive 15 mph slower than limit when I try to pass this drivers blocks my path. What an asshole
This guy almost run me over for four times on 67/167, he is very dangerous driver, he is aggressive drivers , I have never seem in my life, I hope police will catch him andd take him to jail. You just don't play on the Highway like that.
This Ford Edge with a New Life Church sticker on the back passed us going 50+ MPH on the Shoulder of the road in an intersection.
Then drifted between lanes.
When I snapped these pictures, they became enraged and bailed out of their vehicle at a Major intersection to come scream obscenities at us for photographing her plate.
This guy in the white truck is a complete jerk. He pulled out into the turning lane. Even though I had the right away, I still slowed down to a crawl to let him go in front of me. When he didn't, I kept going. He then raced around me, rolled down his window, yelled profanities, and flipped me off with my kid in the car. He then pulled in front of me slamming on his breaks. I changed lanes and he cut me off again, slamming on his breaks. I try to be nice and this jerk acts like I did something wrong.
Weirdo with a clicking device