AB 80808 11/12/17 2:08 PM

That chic sells coke out of her car, she's always parked at shell gas station.
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AB 80808 11/12/17 1:59 PM

Yea that's my ex
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AB 66475 10/21/17 10:52 AM

This makes me miss my crappy Corolla cause I would just park right up in there lol
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AB 66475 10/20/17 12:25 PM

Crappy parker!
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AB 66475 10/20/17 11:25 AM

Dush bag
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982ZDU 09/22/17 4:18 PM

damage pics
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982ZDU 09/22/17 4:17 PM

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AC 56269 09/16/17 8:02 AM

photos in reverse order
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KCF1700 09/09/16 5:47 AM

In traffic and keeps inching up to the back of my car and tapping me. He needs to get off the road. Also would stop very short to my car, stressing me out
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AA 06558 08/31/16 6:36 PM

This guy hit me from behind at a red light and then he ran. I had my kid in the car and was i very upset that he just drove off without making sure we were OK. I have a lawyer he will pay.
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