1675073 08/29/16 1:58 AM

This fucktard tried killing random bikers
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N75 5681 09/04/16 5:43 PM

Cut me off on the highway without using a turn signal, really dangerous
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R84 5406 09/04/16 1:25 PM

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Z53 6750 09/02/16 4:45 AM

This guy backed up, hit my bike knocking it over. Damaged it. Witnesses got license and make if car Acura gl
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Y96 8146 08/23/16 10:21 PM

This kid hit my car with his $40,000 Bmw because he we trying to flip a bottle or something. Wasn't even paying attention to the road and rear ended me.
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Z86 9491 08/23/16 12:42 AM

Driver in a black Honda doesn't know how to stay away from large trucks with Uber sticker in front window airplane sticker on back middle-aged pot belly man doesn't understand the concept of living space next to a large semi in Chicago traffic I don't understand why this guy has to be in front of me but will speed around me and will stay in front of me everytime I move away he keeps coming back as a truck driver the father has been and friend to many do not appreciate the lack of Common Sense out on the road I hope this gets a message to all the rest of you excuse the novel although it has to be said your car only weighs 45000 pounds I am operating a vehicle capable of Wayne up to 80,000 pounds why do you people and passenger cars make it such a problem and an issue having to be behind a truck if you would mind your own business and do the speed limit and stay off in the left lanes away from trucks from having to be in the right lane you would never have to slow down in traffic ever again this has been a friendly service reminder from your friendly interstate truck driver have a good day God bless you
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M18 0726 08/22/16 1:46 PM

Municipal Police driving on I-55 near I-270 driving 80 MPH in the left lane for miles and miles with no lights or siren on. Guess cops really are above the law
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MZMOJO 08/22/16 8:21 AM

Parks her $32k car like it is a priceless classic super-car. The minivan behind her probably cost more... this car totally deserves to get door-dinged.
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Q32 9087 08/28/16 2:46 PM

How do I find out owner name
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A64 3487 08/27/16 1:33 PM

run away
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