This girl needs to learn how to drive. Tried to cut me off even though there was not enough space for her to enter. She was super impatient and tried to get passed everyone even though we were all going above the speed limit and kept giving me the finger. After she was able to get in front of my car, she kept brake checking me for her stupid actions. Brake checking is reckless endangerment and I should have called the cops on her. People need to learn how to drive.
Did not see me crossing Elizabeth Street in foot as she turned left into me from University until I yelled when she was approximately two feet away and not stopping. She had a child in the car.
Followed mee all the way to my doctors office because he wanted to cut mee off? I may have made myself look like a fool put of anger, but it was just. Screw him. Tried to speed away so I couldn't get his plate. Ok, nice try! *middle finger*
This girl needs to learn how to drive. Tried to cut me off even though there was not enough space for her to enter. She was super impatient and tried to get passed everyone even though we were all going above the speed limit and kept giving me the finger. After she was able to get in front of my car, she kept brake checking me for her stupid actions. Brake checking is reckless endangerment and I should have called the cops on her. People need to learn how to drive.